
How does FERTIMAX 2 ™ work?

7 | Reading 4mn | spermatozoa sperm

1. What is fertile sperm?

If you wish to have a child with your partner, then one of your spermatozoa has to fertilise her ovum. Although this event appears quite simple, it is in fact the result of extremely complex natural mechanisms.

The quality of your sperm is one of the decisive factors in this process.

The World Health Organisation has defined what constitutes fertile sperm:

Volume of sperm ≥ 2.0 milliliters
pH. 7,2 – 8
Number of spermatozoa ≥ 20 million per milliliter
Mobility of spermatozoa ≥ 50% motility
Morphology of spermatozoa ≥ 50% of normal shape
Vitality of spermatozoa ≥ 75% alive
Agglutinants Absent


 For a spermatozoon to successfully fertilise the ovum :

  • There must be a volume of at least 2.0 millilitres of sperm in order for it to be able to transport a sufficient quantity of spermatozoa towards the female genital apparatus.
  • The ejaculation must transport at least 20 million spermatozoa per millimetre of sperm. Although several tens of millions of spermatozoa arrive at the level of the cervical mucus, only a few thousand will make it to within range of the ovum and a sole chosen one will fertilise the oocyte.
  • At least 75% of these spermatozoa must be alive.
  • The spermatozoa must be good swimmers to be able to make it up the cervix, then the Fallopian tubes and finally to the oocyte. Sperm is said to be normal if more than 50% of the spermatozoa have motility.
  • The spermatozoa have to be of the right shape. Although the cervical mucus does facilitate the access of spermatozoa to the tubes, it also forms a filter that eliminates weak or abnormal spermatozoa. The World Health Organisation considers sperm to be normal if more than 50% of the spermatozoa have a normally shaped head. Spermatozoa with abnormally shaped heads have trouble making it through the cervical mucus. Any abnormality in the shape of a spermatozoon's head will also reduce its ability to penetrate the surface of the ovum.
  • The spermatozoa must not be agglutinated. Spermatozoidal agglutination means that the motile spermatozoa are attached to each other, either by the head, by their mid-piece, by their flagellum or a mixture of these, for example head-flagellum agglutination. If spermatozoa are agglutinated, then they will not be able to migrate towards the ovum.

2. Oxidative stress: the enemy of sperm

Oxidative stress is a type of attack on cell components which oxidizes proteins, DNA and cell membranes (lipids).

Sperm, particularly the head of the sperm which contains the genetic material, are very sensitive to oxidative stress. To protect itself, the body produces primary antioxidant molecules such as glutathione, alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q-10 etc. Secondary antioxidants are present in our diet.


3. Fertimax - an optimal supplement

Fertimax™ is a food supplement containing exactly the right amounts of the vitamins and micronutrients that are essential for the quality and performance of sperm.

Fertimax™ is a simple and safe way of helping you to have healthy, good quality sperm as it provides the nutritional elements that are necessary to protect and improve your sperm's performance.

Composition of
Health claimsAmount per
1 green capsules
DRA* for
1 green capsules
L-carnitine tartrate   400 mg -
Composition of
Health claimsAmount per
1 green capsules
DRA* for
1 green capsules
Vitamin C
(ascorbic acid)
Vitamin C helps to protect cells against oxidative stress 180 mg 225 %
Vitamin E
Vitamin E helps protect cells against oxidative stress 30 mg 250 %
Zinc . Zinc contributes to normal reproduction and fertility
. Zinc contributes to normal DNA synthesis
. Zinc helps to protect cells against oxidative stress.
15 mg 150 %
Selenium . Selenium aids normal spermatogenesis.
. Selenium helps protect cells against oxidative stress.
50 µg 90 %
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)   200 µg 100 %
Coenzime Q10   40 mg -

* Recommended daily Allowance

Fertimax ™ 2 Boxes of 60 capsules (30 white capsules + 30 green capsules), 2 capsules per day (1 white + 1 green)

  • Do not leave within reach of children.
  • Do not take more than the prescribed daily dose.
  • Using this food supplement does not replace the balance of the variety of foods important to a healthy diet.
  • Inform your doctor of any unwanted or troublesome side-effect.